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Request for a course exchange

in the study Environmental Systems Sciences with a specialisation in management (USW/MGT) - UB033548




If you have any problems filling in or sending the form, please contact us at

Personal data
(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)

Matriculation number

(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)


(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)

First name

(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)


Specifying criteria for the exchange of courses
  • Courses totalling a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 18 ECTS credits are to be substituted in the sense of individual specialisation.
  • Courses from compulsory modules are generally excluded from course exchanges, with the exception of compulsory elective courses.
  • The selected substitute courses must be meaningfully related. A module name must be defined which reflects the individual specialisation.
  • Applications for a course replacement can only be approved if no negative or positive examination has yet been taken for the courses to be replaced or an equivalent examination has been recognised.
  • Recognition of the courses approved by the course exchange is only possible after positive completion of these courses!



Courses to be substituted totalling a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 18 ECTS credits:

Course title

Module number according to curriculum

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Module number according to curriculum

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Module number according to curriculum

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Module number according to curriculum

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Module number according to curriculum

ECTS points according to the curriculum

(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)

ECTS Total amount of courses to be substituted:

Module title of the study-specific substitute courses
(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)
Study-specific substitute course in the sense of an individual specialisation:

Course title

Course number according to UGO

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Course number according to UGO

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Course number according to UGO

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Course number according to UGO

ECTS points according to the curriculum

Course title

Course number according to UGO

ECTS points according to the curriculum

(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)

ECTS total amount of study-specific substitute courses:

(Dies ist eine Pflichtfrage.)