Thank you for participating in this study, which has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Graz (GZ. 39/202/63 ex 2023/24). The aim of this research is to examine language teachers’ digital literacy and related constructs. Your participation in this study is greatly appreciated as it will help us to better understand digital literacy among language teachers and how it is related to other variables. Please only continue with the questionnaire if you feel confident that you fully understand the wording of the statements.
The questionnaire takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, and you can choose to stop at any time. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer all the questions honestly as only this will guarantee that your participation impacts the study. There are no anticipated risks in participating in this study. We will not ask for any identifying information. There will be some general demographic questions, which can be answered voluntarily, but it is not possible to identify you personally from these. Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous, and your responses will be treated confidentially.
Important note: If you teach more than one language in different contexts (e.g., university, school, …), please consider only one language in only one context when answering the items.
If you are a teacher for other subjects alongside languages, please consider only your experiences related to language teaching as all questions in this
survey are related to language teaching specifically. Moreover, we only focus on teachers of additional languages.